Bitcoin Proof-of-Work (SHA2)

In this section, you will learn about the following components in Spatial:

  • Control-heavy Programs

Note that a large collection of Spatial applications can be found here.


Cryptographic hash functions are mathematical operations that convert raw data, such as user text or images, into “random” data known as a hash. The algorithm can only be run in one direction, meaning raw data can be converted to a hash, but this hash cannot be used to learn anything about the original data. It is also collision-resistant, meaning that there is a very low probably of two input data to result in the same hash.

By comparing the computed hash to a known and expected hash value, a person can determine the integrity of a piece of data downloaded on the internet and be sure it was not tampered with.

SHA2 is a specific hashing algorithm that is a key component to the Proof-of-Work (PoW) function for Bitcoin. A PoW is a function that is computationally expensive to compute, but easy to validate. While Spatial has not been deployed to mine Bitcoin on FPGAs (that we know of), we describe how one could implement this particular component of Bitcoin on FPGA. It serves as a good example of complicated control flow, pipelining, and arithmetic operations, and it is similar to other cryptographic applications, such as AES encryption and other variations of SHA.

The figure on the right shows a basic block diagram of SHA2 (credit:


Basic implementation

@spatial object BTC extends SpatialApp {

    According to
    Proof of Work = SHA256(SHA256(HEADER))

  type ULong = FixPt[FALSE, _32, _0]
  type UInt8 = FixPt[FALSE, _8, _0]

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // Setup off-chip data

    val raw_text = args(0)
    val data_text_int =[U8]{c => c}
    val data_text = Array.tabulate(data_text_int.length){i => data_text_int(i).to[UInt8]}
    val len = HostIO[Int]
    setArg(len, data_text.length)
    val text_dram = DRAM[UInt8](1024)
    val hash_dram = DRAM[UInt8](32)//(5)

    println("Hashing: " + raw_text + " (len: " + data_text.length + ")")
    setMem(text_dram, data_text)


      // Init
      val datalen = Reg[Int](0)
      val bitlen = RegFile[ULong](2, List([ULong],[ULong]))
      val state = RegFile[ULong](8, List([ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong])
      val hash = SRAM[UInt8](32)
      val K_LUT = LUT[ULong](64)([ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong],[ULong]

      val data = SRAM[UInt8](64)

      def SHFR(x: ULong, y: Int): ULong = {
        val tmp = Reg[ULong](0)
        tmp := x
        Foreach(y by 1){_ => tmp := tmp >> 1}

      // DBL_INT_ADD treats two unsigned ints a and b as one 64-bit integer and adds c to it
      def DBL_INT_ADD(c:ULong): Unit = {
        if (bitlen(0) >[ULong] - c) {bitlen(1) = bitlen(1) + 1}
        bitlen(0) = bitlen(0) + c

      def SIG0(x:ULong): ULong = {
        // (ROTRIGHT(x,7) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,18) ^ ((x) >> 3))
        ( x >> 7 | x << (32-7) ) ^ ( x >> 18 | x << (32-18) ) ^ x >> 3

      def SIG1(x:ULong): ULong = {
        // (ROTRIGHT(x,17) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,19) ^ ((x) >> 10))
        ( x >> 17 | x << (32-17) ) ^ ( x >> 19 | x << (32-19) ) ^ x >> 10

      def CH(x:ULong, y:ULong, z:ULong): ULong = {
        // (((x) & (y)) ^ (~(x) & (z)))
        (x & y) ^ (~x & z)

      def MAJ(x:ULong, y:ULong, z:ULong): ULong = {
        // (((x) & (y)) ^ ((x) & (z)) ^ ((y) & (z)))
        (x & y) ^ (x & z) ^ (y & z)

      def EP0(x: ULong): ULong = {
        // (ROTRIGHT(x,2) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,13) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,22))
        ( x >> 2 | x << (32-2) ) ^ ( x >> 13 | x << (32-13) ) ^ ( x >> 22 | x << (32-22) )

      def EP1(x: ULong): ULong = {
        // (ROTRIGHT(x,6) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,11) ^ ROTRIGHT(x,25))
        ( x >> 6 | x << (32-6) ) ^ ( x >> 11 | x << (32-11) ) ^ ( x >> 25 | x << (32-25) )

      def sha_transform(): Unit = {
        val m = SRAM[ULong](64)
        Foreach(0 until 64 by 1){i =>
          if ( i < 16 ) {
            val j = 4*i
            // println(" m(" + i + ") = " + {(data(j).as[ULong] << 24) | (data(j+1).as[ULong] << 16) | (data(j+2).as[ULong] << 8) | (data(j+3).as[ULong])})
            m(i) = (data(j).as[ULong] << 24) | (data(j+1).as[ULong] << 16) | (data(j+2).as[ULong] << 8) | (data(j+3).as[ULong])
          } else {
            // println(" m(" + i + ") = " + SIG1(m(i-2)) + " " + m(i-7) + " " + SIG0(m(i-15)) + " " + m(i-16))
            m(i) = SIG1(m(i-2)) + m(i-7) + SIG0(m(i-15)) + m(i-16)
          // val j = 4*i
          // m(i) = if (i < 16) {(data(j).as[ULong] << 24) | (data(j+1).as[ULong] << 16) | (data(j+2).as[ULong] << 8) | (data(j+3).as[ULong])}
          //        else {SIG1(m(i-2)) + m(i-7) + SIG0(m(i-15)) + m(i-16)}
        val A = Reg[ULong]
        val B = Reg[ULong]
        val C = Reg[ULong]
        val D = Reg[ULong]
        val E = Reg[ULong]
        val F = Reg[ULong]
        val G = Reg[ULong]
        val H = Reg[ULong]

        A := state(0)
        B := state(1)
        C := state(2)
        D := state(3)
        E := state(4)
        F := state(5)
        G := state(6)
        H := state(7)

        Foreach(64 by 1){ i =>
          val tmp1 = H + EP1(E) + CH(E,F,G) + K_LUT(i) + m(i)
          val tmp2 = EP0(A) + MAJ(A,B,C)
          // println(" " + i + " : " + A.value + " " + B.value + " " +
          //   C.value + " " + D.value + " " + E.value + " " + F.value + " " + G.value + " " + H.value)
          // println("    " + H.value + " " + EP1(E) + " " + CH(E,F,G) + " " + K_LUT(i) + " " + m(i))
          H := G; G := F; F := E; E := D + tmp1; D := C; C := B; B := A; A := tmp1 + tmp2

        Foreach(8 by 1 par 8){i =>
          state(i) = state(i) + mux(i == 0, A, mux(i == 1, B, mux(i == 2, C, mux(i == 3, D,
            mux(i == 4, E, mux(i == 5, F, mux(i == 6, G, H)))))))


      def SHA256(): Unit = {
        // Init
          bitlen(0) =[ULong]
          bitlen(1) =[ULong]
          state(0) =[ULong]
          state(1) =[ULong]
          state(2) =[ULong]
          state(3) =[ULong]
          state(4) =[ULong]
          state(5) =[ULong]
          state(6) =[ULong]
          state(7) =[ULong]
          // bitlen.reset
          // state.reset

        // Update
        Sequential.Foreach(0 until len.value by 64 par 1) { i =>
          datalen := min(len.value - i, 64)
          // println(" datalen " + datalen.value + " and i " + i + " and len " + len.value)
          data load text_dram(i::i+datalen.value)
          if (datalen.value ==[Int]) {
            // println("doing this " + datalen.value)

        // Final
        val pad_stop = if (datalen.value < 56) 56 else 64
        Foreach(datalen until pad_stop by 1){i => data(i) = if (i == datalen.value)[UInt8] else[UInt8]}
        if (datalen.value >= 56) {
          Foreach(56 by 1){i => data(i) = 0}

        DBL_INT_ADD([ULong] *[ULong])
        Pipe{data(63) = (bitlen(0)).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(62) = (bitlen(0) >> 8).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(61) = (bitlen(0) >> 16).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(60) = (bitlen(0) >> 24).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(59) = (bitlen(1)).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(58) = (bitlen(1) >> 8).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(57) = (bitlen(1) >> 16).to[UInt8]}
        Pipe{data(56) = (bitlen(1) >> 24).to[UInt8]}

        // Foreach(8 by 1){i => println(" " + state(i))}

        Sequential.Foreach(4 by 1){ i =>
          hash(i)    = (SHFR(state(0), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+4)  = (SHFR(state(1), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+8)  = (SHFR(state(2), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+12) = (SHFR(state(3), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+16) = (SHFR(state(4), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+20) = (SHFR(state(5), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+24) = (SHFR(state(6), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]
          hash(i+28) = (SHFR(state(7), (24-i*8))).bits(7::0).as[UInt8]


      Sequential.Foreach(2 by 1){i =>
        if (i == 0) {
          text_dram(0::32) store hash
          len := 32

      hash_dram store hash

    val hashed_result = getMem(hash_dram)
    val hashed_gold = Array[UInt8]([UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8],[UInt8])
    printArray(hashed_gold, "Expected: ")
    printArray(hashed_result, "Got: ")

    val cksum ={_==_}.reduce{_&&_}
    println("PASS: " + cksum + " (BTC)")

This example shows how to write SHA2 in Spatial, and call the function twice. It uses a lot of small bit-level mutation functions, which are inlined during compilation. You may browse the app at your own pace and learn how it works.

To compile the app for a particular target, see the Targets page